Switching inhibition on – SLC12A5/KCC2 variants in human epilepsy

Inhibition. We usually like to think of GABA as an inhibitory neurotransmitter, which counteracts the excitatory and potentially epileptogenic effects of glutamate. However, this is not always true during brain development. Initially, GABA is a powerful excitatory neurotransmitter. The excitatory effect of GABA has been shown to be important for brain development and the formation of dendritic spines – and the switch from excitation to inhibition is due to a single ion channel: KCC2, encoded by SLC12A5. Two recent publications in EMBO Reports now implicate genetic variation in SLC12A5 in human epilepsy. Continue reading

The endozepine mystery

Compound unknown. GABA is the main inhibitory neurotransmitter in the Central Nervous System and its effect is mediated through GABA receptors. Benzodiazepines are compounds that reinforce the action of GABA in the brain, which gives them antiepileptic properties. Consequently, benzodiazepines are one of the most common groups of antiepileptic drugs used to interrupt acute epileptic seizures. Interestingly, benzodiazepines have their own binding site on the GABA receptor, suggesting that they might actually mimic the effect of another, yet unknown substance that is present in the brain. The identity of this mysterious substance, the endogenous benzodiazepine or endozepine, has been one the romantic mysteries of neuroscience. Now, a recent paper in Neuron provides strong evidence that products of the DBI gene are the long-sought endozepine. Continue reading