This week. This week’s publications in epilepsy genetics might be interesting for you, as they describe the first genetic risk factor for typical rolandic epilepsies, novel CNV studies in autism, and an unexpected de novo mutation in schizophrenia. Continue reading
Tag Archives: 17q12 microduplication
Temperature rising: 17q12 microduplications and GEFS+
GEFS+, meet CNV. Microduplications at 17q12 have been identified in various neurodevelopmental disorders and in some unaffected individuals, a pattern familiar from other structural genomic variants such as microdeletions at 16p13.11 and 15q11.2. In contrast to the corresponding microdeletion, most 17q12 microduplications are inherited. This suggests that the microduplication is a risk factor, but does not fully explain the phenotype. In a recent paper in Neurology, Hardies and collaborators look at the families of 17q12 microduplication carriers with epilepsy. And this is when they noticed something strange. Continue reading