YESTI. On behalf of the ILAE Genetics Commission, we are looking for young clinician scientists who would like to help us build the Epilepsiome – a comprehensive, up-to-date database on epilepsy and genes. We are looking for YESTI’s – “young experts with sufficient time and interest”. Read more about what we would expect from you.
Plans. Over the next 12 months, we estimate that we will review approximately 200 epilepsy genes. We will provide this information in the Epilepsiome database that we will create with you. The entry on every gene will be relatively short and we will try to add diagrams, figure or even infographics to make the information succinct. We are still discussing what the best format will be – you’ll be part of this discussion.
We need you. We assume we will need 8-10 YESTI’s. You are a clinician scientist with knowledge about epilepsy and genes or a basic scientist with a solid understanding of the clinical implications. You have basic IT skills and know how to use Google docs, Skype, WebEx and various online databases. You also know how epilepsy affects people and what information clinicians are looking for when it comes to epilepsy and genes. We already have a short list of potential YESTI’s that were pointed out by senior people in the field. With this call, we would like to open this up for the entire ILAE community. Be a YESTI. It’s your chance to be part of the future of epilepsy genetics.
What we offer. Epilepsiome will be unique project. There is a definite need for reliable, high-quality information on epilepsy genes, which is not currently being provided by other databases as it is epilepsy-specific. We need to fill this gap. We offer a great, motivated team, state-of-the art discussions and co-authorship on a publication on the Epilepsiome that will conclude the ILAE Genetic Literacy series. We will also offer basic support for Epilepsiome meetings in case your current employer/institution cannot support you.
What will be my tasks as an Epilepsiome builder?
– You will review ~10 epilepsy genes in the next 12 months
– You will add “This is what you need to know” articles on each gene
– You will “adopt” these genes for updates
What will be the steps of building the Epilepsiome?
– Kick-off teleconference at the end of June
– Monthly teleconferences
– Meeting at AES in December 2014
– Consensus two day meeting in Philadelphia in Spring 2014
What will be my time commitment?
– 1-2 hours of your time per week
– Time for teleconferences, meetings
I’m not sure whether I can be a YESTI
– We’re looking forward to working with young clinician scientists
– You don’t need classical “impact” in the field
– You need to have genuine interest
I’m not a YESTI, but I would like to contribute
– Join the support staff (IT, web designers, educators)
– Help us raise funding for maintaining the Epilepsiome
Sign me up as an Epilepsiome builder!
– Click here
This post was written by Ingo Helbig, Heather Mefford and Dan Lowenstein.